On horse behavior, reflecting and pondering at Christmas.

Horse people have speculated on this equine behaviour – the horse’s licking and chewing response. Is the horse pondering? Pausing to ponder over Christmas takes some effort, with the phone in our pockets ready to fill every crack in our days with its opinions and images

Keys to a light mouthed horse. Part 2

“Should I try another bit?”
In watching hundreds of horse and rider conversations, I’m convinced that the bit operator- the hands at the other end of the reins have the most dramatic effect in achieving the light mouthed horse. Here are my 5 most common bit operator errors and suggestions to improve communication with the hands at the other end of the reins:

Keys to a light-mouthed horse. Part 1

“Should I try another bit?”
In some cases, a bit change for your horse is the magic bullet. But rarely. Often, there’s something else overshadowing a bit issue. In watching hundreds of horse and rider conversations, I’m convinced that the hands at the other end of the reins have the most dramatic effect in achieving the light-mouthed horse.

Equitation Science. Horse science put into practice.

What a treat to share a presentation for the International Society of Equitation Science this week.
My topic : how put the science of equine research , evidence based and ethical horse training, into practice – coaching riders, teaching horses and getting them ready for the ring – whatever ring they’re prepping for – western, hunter, dressage or over obstacles.