When your horse’s “go”button is stuck. Part 2

I see it in the show ring as a judge. A horse digs in his toes at the trail bridge, stalls on approach to a jump or balks to enter the ring altogether. If you’d like some help refining your horse’s go-forward cues, solving your “horse puzzles”, or teaching your horse a new skill, I offer freelance coaching at Ontario farms. I’d love to meet you and your horse!

Worry and horses.

“What if..?” Worry and fear leave us sleepless the night before a horse show, tongue tied in a difficult conversation, or gripping the reins, white knuckled. “In riding, there’s a fine line between awareness and overreaction – between having a solution ready in case… and anticipating the problem so much you actually trigger it”

Equitation Science. Horse science put into practice.

What a treat to share a presentation for the International Society of Equitation Science this week.
My topic : how put the science of equine research , evidence based and ethical horse training, into practice – coaching riders, teaching horses and getting them ready for the ring – whatever ring they’re prepping for – western, hunter, dressage or over obstacles.