Consulting and expert witness for equine law issues
“It was wonderful to meet and work with you this weekend. You have such a scientific mind and a great critical way of evaluating horses and riders and their relationships.”
Angela W., Hamilton, Ontario. Canada
Horse expert
- Expert witness for equine law issues, Canada
- Canadian equine industry standards of custody, care, control and safety
- Equestrian competition rules and regulations, safety and procedures
- Horse accident analysis and prevention
- Expert in the science of equine behaviour and horse behavioural problems
- Equine welfare issues
- Horse buying and selling standards
- Valuable insights for lawyers from discovery through settlement
- Educating attorneys in relevant horse terminology
- Creating relevant witness questions
“Thank you so much for arranging for Lindsay Grice to speak at C.A.R.D. I learned so much from her about horses and how horses think and react. Lindsay is an excellent speaker and so informative about horses!”
L.H., CARD Therapeutic riding facility, Toronto Ontario. Canada