Falling off a horse, landing on my feet and other Thanksgiving Graces

Each autumn as leaves turn colour, our conversations and posts are inclined to turn to gratitude (from griping). For friends and family. For health and happy times.

As I count my blessings, topping my list are, funnily enough, what I HAVEN’T received. Not only what I’ve been given, but what I’ve be spared from. Amazing graces…

  • I’ve never been significantly injured by horses.  It still amazes me.
    In my naïve and reckless young rider years, in training 100s of horses as a professional, I’ve fallen off, been dragged, struck at and run into – but never hurt.
     Interestingly, my mom prayed every week for the horses I had in training, by name.
  • Things I misplaced or left behind – recovered.  I have a habit of leaving mementos at the farms where I coach – pylons, spurs, gloves – kindly set aside until I return.
  • Disappointments which, in the rear-view mirror, turned out to be blessings. Mercifully “unanswered” prayers.
  • Failures which turned out to be gains. Recycled by God’s grace into lessons learned, wisdom earned.
  • Relationships and business opportunities which, now I see, would have been regrets.
  • Spared from the consequences of hasty words, inattentive driving decisions and countless other “Oops” moments.

Through many dangers, toils and snares
I have already come,
‘Tis grace has brought me safe thus far
And grace will lead me home.

The hymn Amazing Grace. Written by former slave trader and self-described rebel, John Newton. In gratitude of God’s mercy.